Monday, September 3, 2012

Where Are My Flip-Flops?

On this Labor Day I am thankful for so many, many people and opportunities in my life. Quite possibly the biggest is my Network Marketing Business that has opened up Solutions for huge problems (retirement security, time freedom for family and fun to name just two) that my 25 year career never afforded. And, I  am really good at that career!

While able to build my own business in part time hours (alongside my full time job) the personal growth and achievement, the financial goals, and new friendships all add up to an amazing world of choices.
I get to choose what I want to pursue.  Best of all, there is nothing stopping me from reaching higher than I might have previously thought possible. The legacy wealth for my (not yet here) grandchildren is what spurs me to build it big. The America that my generation will leave  is not the country in which I was blessed to be born. My business will be their future.
Additionally, in the last 1 ½ yrs, I have had the opportunity to befriend some really wonderful people. From the 29 year old school teacher who has earned $1 million (annual, residual and growing) in 4 yrs, to the Attorney- cum- network marketer who wants to stop trading her family time and billable hours for dollars, we all have a story, a dream, and drive to succeed...whatever that looks to each individual.  Because we know that a rising tide raises all boats, working  with like minded entrepreneurs is such a fulfilling life!
And, I have "met" many while studying the Industry. Take the "Flip-Flop CEO's"- a Mother Daughter team that started their business together and are demonstrating that they were able to achieve the goals that they set out to get even while skeptical at first.  If you have not heard of them, check out this video about their story.

As CEO’s of their own business (who get to where flip flops to work every day), they are celebrating the fact that this Labor Day is “Flip Flop Appreciation Day” to celebrate those who are working towards and living their dreams in network marketing.
Whether you are considering , just starting out, or a big-time Flip Flop CEO, this Labor Day Weekend stand tall and be proud of where you are and what you are working towards.  You have already shown that you are  willing to go after what you want.  For that, you have earned the chance to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post,Susan! And, we can say we built it! So glad to build with you!
