Monday, September 17, 2012

Are you using what you've got?

"Are you using what you've got?" That was the question my daily meditation asked me on one particular day last week. I found this really intriguing because I'd been focused on identifying (or should I say re-identifying) my key Strength Themes. )

I had taken the Strengths Test, developed by the Gallup folks, several years ago when I was Associate Publisher for a major book publishing firm and found it to be very insightful, as well as personally affirming. Let me explain why I like it so much. Rather than focusing on what type of personality you have, or identifying you as an extrovert or an introvert, or confirming what you're not so good at--this test identifies what your idiosyncrasies or your unique strengths are and then helps you put them to best use. An added benefit for me is that I gain real insight into myself and how I'm different. And, that my differences are...well, really cool. And, that is when it all starts to get fun. Who doesn't like finding out what makes them tick?

2006 was when I first took the test and then i took it again just a few weeks ago. As you may know,  I've made some major life changes, career-wise, so I didn't know what to expect in terms of how the results would differ. The authors of the test told me to expect one or two differences and I was eager to see my results. The online test takes about 30 minutes and the results are delivered to you immediately, which i love. What I found when i read my summary was quite dramatic--5 out of 5 of my Strength Themes were different--not one was the same!

I've been reflecting a lot on my new results and I've come to a couple of conclusions.  One, I've changed...the things that drove me then, don't drive me now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ungrateful and I'm proud of my prior success and what I've achieved. But now my life is very different. I'm very focused on crafting a life for myself that "matters" and creating my story--one with an incredible beginning, middle, and ending. I'm also more focused on helping others. Before, I was driven to please others--my boss, my CEO, my authors, my co-workers and even my staff. I think I found myself in a trap that was impossible to get out of. You see, I believe that sometimes we are forced to become our job description and when that happens our true self gets put on reserve, back-burnered, if you will. We don't mean to do that and in my case I felt conflicted a lot of the time. And this imbalance, this conflict leads to all kinds of stress, pressure, health problems, and potentially unhappiness and self-doubt.

So back to the question the meditation asked..."am I using what I've got"? It takes identifying what you've got to know if you're "using it" so take my advice and take the Strengths Finders 2.0 test. Learn more about your particular strengths and start to really focus on them. I believe when we learn how to be our true selves we gain confidence, we gain balance, and peace...and our true gifts are released. We are choosing rather than reacting or simply existing. When we become our try selves that's when we can "pour good into others". As a leader, a wife, a mom, a friend that's what I desire.

I've got a ways to go, but I know where I'm headed. So, I'm kicking into gear Strength #2 of mine which is "Strategic".  Yep, I've got a plan--strategics always have a plan and that's a good thing.  I'd love to talk to you about your particular strengths and compare notes about what you've learned. It's all part of the journey and it all has a purpose. Have a really great day--take care! LQ


  1. Lori ,

    I have taken the test as well .Thanks for the recommendation and always helping keep me focused! Part of your strategic strength coming out. I love you friend

  2. Lori ,

    I have taken the test as well .Thanks for the recommendation and always helping keep me focused! Part of your strategic strength coming out. I love you friend

  3. Lori ,

    I have taken the test as well .Thanks for the recommendation and always helping keep me focused! Part of your strategic strength coming out. I love you friend
