Sunday, August 12, 2012

Passenger or Conductor?

Don't you love a leisurely Sunday Morning where you can, for the only day of the week, slowly wake up, vegging between  sleep and moving - not quite sure what day it is or if you are even really awake? Me too.

Well, that didn't happen today.

A voice virtually screamed at me "are you a passenger or conductor?" That'll make you jump up fast...
It was a very real voice from the past in a strong German accent. And, I needed to hear it. Thank you, Helmut!

I grew up riding horses and had an amazing coach who often stayed with my family.  Helmut was someone I wanted to please; I admired, respected,  and feared him (a bit, truth be told)  As a teen his whole family lived  in a concentration camp until Hitler learned of his ability with horses; he alone was spared and pressed into service training military horses for the Gerrnans.

Helmut would often bark at us youngsters in his classes "are you a passenger or controlling  that horse?" as he ordered  us through the almost impossible (we thought)  feats - jump with no hands, the Shang-Hei cross (call me, too hard to explain) posting without stirrups for-ever! The point is, as a passenger on that horse, you go where the horse wants you  to go (and that is probably the barn,trees. or the ground. All happened,occasionally )  Helmut was determined to get us past our fear , out of our own way, and really excel.

OK Helmut.I get it!!

How many of us are passengers in our only life? We will get through it...and it is totally our choice of how we get there.  My business coach told me last week to write down everything I want in all areas of my life-faith, family, health,financials,business,team dynamics, love life, etc. Divide paper in half lengthwise with categories down the left margin,  The "do not want"in each category  column is far right side , then fix the "don't want" with a description of what I "do want"in each category ; then,  mark out the don'ts. A picture of what I do want for my whole life ( in categories) will materialize as a plan. 

I hadn't done it...until Helmut barked at me. Just because I didn't quite get what it would do for me. And, I am excited to tell you,  my plan is done (you DO NOT ignore Helmut) and I have a perfect vision of where I am going in all aspects of  my life. That left side of my sheets of paper spells it all out. Visualizing each aspect (now that I have time and monetary  freedom to be with my children,where are we going,when,how long? What does that beach house look like,How long will we stay ? How do we get get the point) By focusing on what I do want, taking the time to figure out every aspect of what I want is half the battle. The plan is done. Now just focus.

I'll let you know how it goes as it all unfolds...I have even "seen" the man I will marry- full description.
He's awesome :)  And worth waiting for...

Truth is, I am going to live and going to die. And, I get to choose how I get there,who I team with in the journey, and the legacy I leave behind. Thank you Helmut, Momma and Daddy, and all the coaches I have for reminding me; we all  choose  our paths. I choose to conduct my  journey - never been  a passenger - and hit the ground trying occasionally.  The only failure is failure to try.


  1. Susan, this is a wonderful piece. So honest, so deep, so thoughtful.I can see you too, girl...all the way to the top. Love you so much. Lori

  2. Lori-friend, Accountability partner, and mentor with the sweetest disposition ever- I learn from you daily and am so appreciative of all you do for me,mentally and spiritually.Thank you for letting me be a part of your life!

    Your blog is so you have twitter or fb??

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria at
