Friday, June 8, 2012


 Have you ever had a day that...
started about 8:00 am-planned to be a kind of quiet, easy going day where you get a lot accomplished that you'd been putting off-mostly at the desk-phone calls bill paying, business receipts recorded...quiet and satisfying ...

And then, all #$@% breaks loose? It is suddenly 6 pm. You are starving because you never thought about lunch, still trying to make those calls that got pushed aside, have a 6:30pm meeting and the traffic will not let you get there...You are cranky hungry (grabbed a handful of animal crackers before leaving the house but dropped in garage opening the door, juggling the phone and computer. Considered... you know the 5  second rule...)

Get to the meeting place on the minute of "on time". Relieved, won't be too late if really move, but have no idea where the "south corridor annex" is so use your powers of reasoning and head South!! Walk, walk, walk faster , frustrated. No one seems to have heard of the meeting or "south corridor annex"...Now 15 minutes late and still no clue.

So, you decide to just forget it. Go jog at the Y. Need to breathe. Then can't find the way out of the maze! OMG, what else!!  You actually start laughing because just all so silly. Find stairs-any stairs have to go somewhere else- and just start climbing; Anywhere has to lead of stairway, bust open  the door, and...

  ...find yourself standing in the middle of the aisle at the back of the Church

The  noise and craziness down stairs,of the day,of your mind is jolted by the calm,peace,solitude. Silence but the hum of AC and you feel like an intruder on something really beautiful that was not for you to see? But you want to?


Well ,I hope you do sometime soon.That was my day Wednesday.

(Now,raised in the Catholic Church I instantly feel like an intruder and apologetic for the attitude and plain irreverence of my entrance,then realize...its just God and me here and he's been with me all day anyway.No hiding anything from Him!The noise and craziness of downstairs,of the day,of my mind is jolted into calm.There is a complete void of sensory overload)

The ending? After a minute of absently looking around at all I could see from a distance  (I'd always thought it an interesting church from the outside)  I chose a pew on the right (I never sit on the right in Church)
And,I just sat...
Air conditioning whir
street noises in the distance
occasional thud of a door downstairs in the maze
far off siren
bbrr,brr of insistent phone muffled in the cushion of the pew (took me a bit to realize what it was
And,when I did, instinctively reach for it-then suddenly stopped. Not now.I needed that peace  of nothing.It felt good -a bit rebellious-to decide,"not now."
And,I just sat observing-can't call it meditating or praying-just drinking in the peace. In big gulps.

You haven't had one of those days?
My wish for you is that you do.
The constant motion of doing it all, taking care of it all,finishing it all,being It all is draining! "All" will happen in good time. Take a moment everyday to just be still and breathe. Maybe "all" isn't even worthy of your time,but you have to stop to see it.

BTW...that Diet Coke I put in the freezer to get cold while I quickly changed clothes for the meeting? It exploded in the freezer! I'll spare  you that wish.

