Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Welcome to our Blog!

To get things started,here's a bit about me...
First thing you need to know about me is that I’m a Texan! You also need to know how important certain people are to me like Tom Landry and Roger Staubach (who I wanted to be when I was 6-years-old). What else… My Dad’s, My Mamma's, my Sister’s, and my birthdays are all in June – like only a week apart. Also, I come from a family of real-life, hardworking cowboys and, yes, that includes us girls. What can I say? I come from good stock and family is everything!

My 25+ year career in book publishing began in Waco at a company that actually allowed me to work with both Tom and Roger in promoting their books. I met my California husband there (who also wanted to be a cowboy). He is the reason I left Texas—Mom and Dad are still coming to terms with that, but they did get two great grandchildren out of the deal!

I’m the oldest child, which gave me certain responsibilities like getting good grades, establishing a successful career and making my family proud. I feel I’ve done some of that. On the other hand, I’m just getting started. My 50’s are turning out to be extremely satisfying. I feel like I’m discovering and becoming the true me—the one I put on hold.

One reason for this is I’ve shed my corporate hat--and how I, sometimes, measured my personal worth—and replaced that with a business of my very own, which allows me the freedom to work where I want, when I want. With Rodan+Fields, I am my own boss. I’m now able to be true to myself and call on the creative, funny me as I mentor other business owners while I work on achieving my big-as-Texas dreams. The sky’s the limit! Just like the famous doctors I’ve partnered with--the women that invented Proactiv, my vision is big.
I’m writing my next chapter you might say—don’t know exactly how the story ends, but I can tell you the current page is awesome! Thanks for tagging along.

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